Consumer Family Satisfaction Team

Alternate Name / Acronym


Options: Vision, Mission and/or Purpose of Organization

The Beaver County Consumer Family Satisfaction Team's mission is to gauge consumer/family satisfaction of the behavioral health services they receive and report the findings to Beaver County Behavior Health for planning, implementing and improving behavioral health services in Beaver County.

History of Organization:

The Consumer Family Satisfaction Team (CFST) is an independent agency that was established in Beaver County in 1998. The team is composed of consumers, family members and individuals in recovery who have received behavioral health services. The CFST serves as a tool for quality assurance because each team member knows what it is like to be the recipient of treatment and services and/or a family member of an individual that has received services.

The Pennsylvania Office of Mental health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) requires through HealthChoices, that every county that participates in HealthChoices Managed Care, establish and support a consumer satisfaction process.


Mental Health Association in Beaver County is the fiduciary for the Consumer Family Satisfaction Team.

Legal Structure



Key Leaders

Name* Title/Description (Executive Director, Vice President, etc.) Phone Number 1 Phone Number 2 Fax Number Email Address
Colleen Limerick-McKenzie Director 724.775.7650 724.775.0266
Joanne Koehler Executive Director 724-775-4165 ext. 300 724-775-8523

Contact Information

Contact Person(s)

Name* Title/Description (Intake Specialist, Secretary, etc.) Phone Number 1 Phone Number 2 Fax Number Email Address
Colleen Limerick-McKenzie Director 724.775.7650 724.775.7650 724-775-0266

Contact Phone Numbers

Number* Title / Description (Telephone, Toll free, Fax, etc.)
phone 724-775-4165, fax 724-775-8523

Contact Emails

Email* Title / Description (Director, General, Intake, etc.) Director Executive Director

Web Addresses

Website* Title / Description (National, Local office, etc.) non-profit agency Consumer Family Satisfaction Team

Primary Address

Title/Description (Corporate office, Headquarters, etc.)

Consumer Family Satisfaction Team


139 Brighton Avenue
Rochester 15074
Map It

Service Area

Beaver County

Services Provided

Service Description

  • Provides advocacy, support groups, education, social programs, and referrals for persons and families who have mental illness. Operates consumer drop-in center, wellness and recovery programs.

Available Hours

8:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. Monday-Friday-MHA Offices
9:30am - 4:30p.m. Monday-Friday-Phoenix Center
See Phoenix Center Calendar for special evening events

Fees/Cost for Services


Eligibility Requirements

Persons and families with mental health disorders.

How to Access Services or Schedule Appointments

Call 724-775-4165 MHA office or CFST office-724-775-7650
724-775-9507 Phoenix Center

Handicap Accessibility


Languages Spoken or Available


Volunteer Description

Volunteers help in the Phoenix Drop-In Center, with special events, fundraising, or host a group using s special skill or talent.

Thank You To Our Sponsors

We are grateful to our many partners who provide financial and operational support.